mounting polarization câu
Fluorescence Polarization: The First 150 Years.A Short History of Anaesthesia: The First 150 Years (bằng tiếng Anh). But isn't the gov...

Any mounting or fixing plates, strip it out also.Nếu có miếng giá đỡ hay cố định nào cũng vứt nó ra. My immediate concern is to end th...

circular polarization
For example, circular polarization is used to minimize the interference caused by rain.Ví dụ, phân cực tròn dùng để làm giảm thiểu độ n...

dielectric polarization
Dielectric polarization is the term given to describe the behavior of a material when an external electric field is applied on it.Phân ...

electric polarization
Bulgarian physicist Georgi Nadjakov first discovered that objects could be adhered to other objects through the use of electric polariz...

linear polarization
These theatres work on the linear polarization technologies and use the advanced cameras.Những rạp này hoạt động trên các công nghệ phâ...

plane of polarization
The plane of polarization now becomes that ofĐó là chiến lược của Polaroid để trở thành In 1849, he published a long paper on the dyna...

polarization analyzer
The researchers also used extensive data gathered from the polarization analyzer of the Very Large Telescope, an observatory in Chile t...

polarization angle
Nicol prisms were first used to measure the polarization angle of birefringent compounds, leading to new developments in the understand...

polarization of light
This feature is what allows for polarization of light.Tính năng này là những gì cho phép phân cực ánh sáng. They shine very brightly, ...

spin polarization
These materials can therefore create currents with 100% spin polarization.Do đó, những vật liệu này có thể tạo ra dòng điện với 100% ph...

vertical polarization
Vertical antennas must be used because VLF waves propagate in vertical polarization, but a quarter-wave vertical antenna at 30 kHz woul...

engine mounting
The Japanese had one designer responsible for the entire engine mounting, and probably much more.Người Nhật có một nhà thiết kế chịu tr...

face mounting
Households will draw down savings and the government will face mounting health-care costs.Các hộ gia đình sẽ giảm tiết kiệm và chính ph...

The LBC 3099/41 is a flush-mounting ceiling loudspeaker for applications where extra power is required, such as rooms with high ceiling...

front mounting
That means you should mount your intake fans on the front of the case, or occasionally (if you have a multi-fan setup or the front moun...

mounting base
In the case of a ground-based solar energy system, you’ll need a larger and sturdier mounting base.Trong trường hợp của một hệ thống nă...

mounting bolt
Even though they both use the same size mounting bolt.Cả 2 loại đều sử dụng lỗ golf nhựa với chiều cao như nhau.

mounting bracket
The L Series includes a remote with a mounting bracket.L Series bao gồm một điều khiển từ xa với một gắn tường. Coast Guard (USCG) app...

mounting flange
For mounting in control panels, the pressure gauges can, depending on the process connection, be fitted with a surface mounting flange ...

mounting foot
10pcs fixed plastic pcb mounting feet 20mm L type feet with screws ERBICATop 10 trong năm 10pcs fixed plastic pcb mounting feet 20mm L t...

mounting hole
A 1/4″-20 threaded mounting hole on the bottom also allows use with monopods and various other support equipment.Với thiết kế có một lỗ...

mounting plate
Frame Type Trellis, high-tensile steel, with swingarm mounting plateKiểu khung: Trellis, thép cao cấp, với swingarm mounting plate Fram...

mounting position
More noteworthy is the engine’s low mounting position.Điểm đáng chú ý hơn là vị trí lắp thấp của động cơ. Suitable for vertical and hor...

mounting process
Unix-like operating systems often include software and tools that assist in the mounting process and provide it new functionality.Các h...